发布时间:2020-02-01 13:25来源: 网络整理截至1月26日,已有三十个省级人民政府启动了重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应。鉴于当前新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情的严重形势,经向举办考试的考点单位了解情况,近期已不具备组织考试的条件。经研究并商托福主办机构美国教育考试服务处(ETS),决定自即日起在全国范围内取消2020年2月所有托福考试,考试费将全额退还至考生个人报名账户。我们将根据疫情防控的进展情况,动态更新并通知2020年2月后托福的报名和考试安排。
As of January 26. 30 Provincial Governments in China had announced Level One Public Health Emergency Response, which calls for all round measures to contain the spread of coronavirus at all public venues including test centers. Decision has been made in consultation with Educational Testing Service to CANCEL all February TOEFL tests at all test centers throughout mainland China and return full test fees to personal registration accounts of affected test takers. We will closely follow national and local anti-epidemic development and update post February arrangement of registration and testing activities.
It is a compelling obligation for testing organizations to prioritize Anti-Epidemic measures and safeguard life and health of people. We appreciate all test takers’ understanding and cooperation. We hope all test takers would stay calm and take good care of yourself, and follow updates of announcements.